The effectiveness of outdoor activities at IPS

Nowadays, studying English at all levels is not expectedly effective since the students are still used to a traditional teacher-centered method of teaching and learning. Students have to learn in a passive way and most of them get bored at keeping sitting and taking notes every day.

At The Asian International School, the International English Program has adopted new teaching methodology applied to all skills and subjects. The students not only learn English in class but also get acquainted with this language through outdoor activities. This is necessary to students’ development of English skills, independence and interest in language.

Students can learn helpful lessons necessary to their growth now and then. They will know how to organize group activities as well as to independently make their own decision. The most important thing is that students learn how to cooperate and get along with their peers. Besides, they will learn new commands in learning, new vocabulary, and spoken English as foreign teachers’ expectation.

Games designed for outdoor activities are suitable for students’ physical and mental development.

It can be said that outdoor activities at IPS provide students a good environment to grow up thoroughly, improve their solidarity, independence, creativity and language skills.